About Us

Westcreek Supply Co. was born in the west. Our name originates from a week-long mountain bike trip that started in Telluride, Colorado and finished in Moab, Utah. Having been born while my family was living in Telluride and now calling Utah my home, these two towns hold deep meaning for me personally and each uniquely reflect the spirit of the west.
This was an epic adventure with my close friends Robert, Mark and Scott. The ride is over 200 miles in distance with a tremendous amount of elevation stressing riders physiologic limits. It was day 5 of a 7 day trip. We were descending off the Uncompahgre Plateau into the desert town of Gateway, CO. We were hot, dusty, tired and sore from the last 4 days in the saddle. After a massive decent that char-broiled our brake rotors and just before turning south into town we crossed a bridge that stemmed over West Creek.
This creek was a welcome oasis in the desert and within milliseconds we were all stripped down soaking our weary souls in the fresh flowing creek. It was rejuvenating that day and was a source of energy as we ascended John Brown Canyon the following day.
Moments like ours in West Creek are bookmark moments in my life and a source of positivity and energy that I can still harness to this day. I am sure you also have these types of moments when you reflect on your past. Even just the memory of the feeling you had at those moments can impact your attitude many years later.
Our designs are meant to channel adventure and positivity into your life and the lives of those around you. I hope that these fresh designs stimulate memories of adventures in your past and motivate you to find your next adventure. See you in the creek!